Online Form

Are you interested in this kind of form? I created this just to try whether it works or not abstruse.

If you'd like to try to send this form can dip me see what happens, ok.

After that, then you are able to ask to me for the next.
do not forget to please comment below.

I will promptly reply to your email.

Of course you are interested in doing business online, right?

You are able to use to communicate in Malay with me.
This, too, I am using google to attract ads only.

Thank you.

Silakan cuba, jangan malu-malu saya menghargai anda!
Kita ni banyak sangat sifat malu, jangan malu dan segan cuba sahaja okey..!

Official Online Form
Questions marked by * are required.
1. Your full name: *
2. -.code numbers include color, size, quality, and information goods. Please check it carefully.- Items of your choice. please enter the code number of goods. *
3. Total items option.
4. Total price:
5. If color choice is out of stock, the color of your second choice?
6. How we will communicate with you?
7. Email: *
8. Phone no: *
9. Bank of your choice. *
10. Method of payment:
11. The official address of your post. *
12. Way of - upload proof of payment.
13. Two way - Writing IMPORTANT detail afterwards making the payment in bank. *

oyes .. keep comments below. Thank you very much.

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